This Is The Way To Build Any Dream

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly achieve everything they want? I used to think about this all the time. Watching others thrive while I struggled to find my way was frustrating. The truth is, there is a pathway by which all desires are fulfilled. Today, I want to share that with you. So, let’s dive into my journey and what I’ve learned about this powerful process.

My First Ministry Event: A Humbling Lesson

I remember the first time I hosted my own ministry event. Powerful ministers had been leading large crowds, moving people to take action, and I wanted to do the same. I thought, “I want God to use me in that way.”

Just a few months after Jesus found me, I organized a rally. Renting an amphitheater, I brought in a band, sound equipment, and even a guest speaker for the preaching. I printed flyers and handed them out at school. Though new in my faith, I was eager and excited.

The day of the rally arrived, and nervousness filled me, but I remained hopeful. A few friends stopped by beforehand, only to inform me they couldn’t make it—they were going to watch the big game. Side note: if you live in South Carolina, don’t schedule a rally during the Carolina-Clemson game!

As the hour approached, no one showed up. A handful of church members came for moral support, but it was far from the event I had envisioned. I wondered what I did wrong. Why was this working for others but not for me?

After that event, doubt started creeping in. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to speak. Maybe God didn’t want me to succeed yet. That experience set me back a few years, and I started to entertain dangerous thoughts—maybe I shouldn’t pursue my dreams so quickly. Perhaps God wouldn’t back me up if I went after the desires of my heart.

But here’s the truth: I had skipped half the steps in the process of realizing a dream, and it ended in disaster. If only I had known then what I know now.

Understanding the Order of Creation

There is a divine order by which dreams and desires are realized. To understand this, let’s go all the way back to creation itself. In Genesis, it says that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the deep.

This is important: when things in your life seem formless and void, when it feels like there’s no structure or direction, the Spirit of God is already hovering, ready to bring something into existence.

Step 1: Imagine

Before anything was created, God imagined it. Ephesians 1:4 tells us that before the foundations of the earth, God knew us. He could already see us in His imagination. This is the first step in the order of creation. Everything that exists is created twice—first in the immaterial realm, and then in the material world.

If you’re struggling to realize your desires, it’s likely because you’re skipping this crucial step. You need to see your desires in your mind as clearly as possible. God placed those desires in your heart. Your job is to imagine them vividly.

Step 2: Speak

The second step is to speak. In Genesis, after imagining creation, God spoke it into existence: “Let there be light.” He spoke everything into being. And since we are made in His image, we have the power to speak our desires into existence.

Many people overlook this step. They don’t pay attention to what they are speaking. However, speaking is how your desires move from the immaterial realm into the material world. Have you ever felt the power of words? I’ve experienced moments where simply speaking over something changed the entire atmosphere.

Step 3: Sink (Align with God’s Systems)

The third step is to “sink,” or align with the resources and systems God has already set in place to bring about your desires. In Genesis, God created the garden before He placed man in it to work. Everything man needed to thrive was already provided.

Cooperate with what God has already put in motion. The resources, people, and systems you need are already in place—you just need to align yourself with them.

Step 4: Start

The final step is to start. You have to do the work, but this work is different than the hustle and grind we’re often told to pursue. Before the fall, work was abundantly fruitful. There was no toil, no sweat. After the fall, the ground was cursed, and man was condemned to struggle.

However, the curse was lifted in the time of Noah. Today, when we experience fruitless toil, it’s not because of a curse—it’s because we aren’t working in alignment with God’s systems. When you work in sync with God’s plan, empowered by your words and rooted in God-given desires, you’ll experience a whole new kind of productivity.

You Have the Power to Create

One of my mentors, Myron Golden, introduced me to this framework of creation. When God said, “Let us make man in our image,” we know that He is a creator. He imagines and speaks things into existence. We share that same creative power.

So, what will you create? What desires are waiting to be realized in your life? You already have the power within you to make them a reality. This is your hidden source of greatness.

Success Challenge of the Week

Here’s my challenge for you this week: Start speaking the life you desire. Be intentional about the words you use. Hold your tongue when you feel tempted to speak negatively, and replace those words with ones that align with your desires.

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